
(The tribe of Quraish)
Sura 106
Consisting of four verses. Makkiyyah.

In the name of Allah the merciful and all-loving.
PROSPERITY AND SHOULD BRING PEOPLE tranquility devotion to the Almighty GOD.

1. Due to the custom of the Quraysh,
2. (namely) the habit of traveling on their winter and summer.
3. So let them worship the Lord of this House (Ka`bah).
4. Who has given food to them to eliminate lapat and secured them from fear.

Qureish People can travel, especially for the trade to the country Sham in the summer and in the winter kenegri Yemen.
During the journey they received security guarantees from authorities in the countries they are laluinya.
This is a very big favor from Allah SWT to them, therefore it is only fair for them to worship Allah who has given a favor to them.